Thursday, August 20, 2009

1000 point Tourny, what to play

So Liam let us know about the GameKastle Tourny comming up in 2 weeks. I am toying around with guard. I think they will be competative against the uber ork and chaos list that will probably make up 70% of the participants. So this is the list I am toying with

1 Command squad
3 plasma
1 Medic

2 vet squads
3 Plasma
1 HB

1 Vet Squad
3 Melta

1 Vendetta
2 Heavy Bolters


With this list I still have 50 points left for upgrades. Options are putting Plasma on the LRBT, upgrading HB to LC in vet squads, putting an ordanace officer in the command squad. Possibly free up 15 more points for Marbo.

Any why I go here the core of the army is set, good ammount of plasma, decent ammount of las and anti infantry. I tote 8 HB or equivilents even if I upgrade the battle tank and the vet squads heavies. Plus a BC and some las fire.

Some more extream options I am toying with are dropping the command squad completly, and going with a primarc psyker and a GK BC with psy hood. and using whatever points are left to upgrade vets and tank.

I think this list can deal with most elite lists out there, I am not worried about Nurgle or MC, though a 1k list may give me issues with all the invul saves. as my plasma will start dying off. Elite ork army will be ok Ican deal with the one uber bike squad by having a lot of instakill FnP negating stuff out there. saddly the plasmas dont IC. Hoards will give me my biggest problems

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